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Booking request

38879 Schierke am Brocken
039455 - 268

Booking inquiry

11 + 9 =


You can also reach us via WhatsApp until 16:00.  WhatsApp number: 0160 99 63 62 14

Checkin & Checkout

2 p.m. – 4 p.m. are our check-in times

8 am – 11 am are our checkout times

Checkin after 4 p.m.

Outside our reception hours (07:30 – 16:00) there is the possibility of self-check-in. Please contact us no later than 4 p.m. on the day of arrival. 

House rules

After 4 p.m., the front door is always closed.
Rules for guests travelling with dogs: Please do not leave your best friend in the bed, armchair or couch, think of subsequent guests.

Cancellation policy

up to 14 days before arrival free of charge
up to 3 days before arrival 50% of the logis price
from 2 days before arrival 100% of the Logis price